Why Can’t I Be Myself in Public: How to be Social

why can’t i just be myself in public?

Tonight i want to talk about one of the things that a lot of younger adults, lets say at the high school and college level have to deal with on a daily basis.  How do i know? Because i went through it day by day and am now in the process of designing a congnitive behavior manual that gives you comfort challenges to push your comfort zone day by day.

When you look at a lot of middle aged people they are very comfortable talking to anyone and seem like themselves.  This is because they have been through enough situations and enough life experiences to realize the small things don’t really matter and they’ve trained their brain not to worry too much, over think things, assume things, or over analyze situations.  While in social settings we often do this at a younger age.

Take going out with your friends on the weekend for example.  We see a good looking girl at a bar or party and we want to talk to her.  We don’t know exactly what to say, we don’t know if she’ll like us, and we are super self conscious about ourselves.  For a lot of us it’s a matter of not being put in enough situations.  So how do we change our minds? How do we change that critical second of when we walk right past some good looking girl and only see her for split second? how do we make ourselves approach her out of reaction instead of look at our phones? Practice.

You have to get out there each and every day and practice talking to people.  You have to approach every single person you can and you will soon realize how it doesn’t really matter what you say its just a matter of how you say it.  This isn’t a really informative post as far as what specific things to do in your everyday life but i just wanted to bring the topic up as i’m designing a program manual for it.  I wanted to see how many people might be interested in such a book.  If your interested in some tips and tricks write me about where you are in life as far as personality in  social setting and what your comfortable/uncomfortable doing and i’ll give you some specific ideas.

just live it up, and stop over thinking things that don’t matter

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